High Squeeze pressing bags are the latest addition to the Shiva catalogue! This is a must have item that will undoubtedly fulfill the job of those wanting to extracting some rosin!
Made out of nylon, these are really strong bags that will endure considerably high temperatures (up to 220C) and pressure levels meaning that they're absolutely perfect for rosin
They contain no chemicals or colourings whatsoever, what makes the rosin extraction a really clean one!
To get this gadget working all you need to do is placing your desired materials between the screen, cover it with non-stick baking paper to avoid further spillage and then simply
press it through a set of hair straighteners applying as much pressure as you can! It really is as simple as that!
Brought to you in a variety of sizes to choose from:
This product comes in 10 packs and it's additionally available in the following filter screen sizes:
Grab your preferred dimensions and filter screen sizes and start extracting rosin like a bee!